The Local Electrician

CALL NOW: 07827 810968

About Lea Arnold

My journey to becoming a qualified electrician all began over 15 years ago when I installed a light in my loft. Since then my passion for electrics has driven me to learn more about the industry and to keep up to date with the changing technology.

My knowledge of available products and attention to detail enables me to complete my work to a high standard. I enjoy communicating with my customers and my ability to visualise their requirements enables me to produce exactly what they want.

My love for nature and the planet has moved me to use my knowledge in electrics to help others to reduce their carbon footprint. Now my main focus is installing EV charge points. Luckily if you find yourself in need of an EV Car Charger in Colchester, you have come to the right place. We have helped countless EV drivers find the perfect solution for EV in their homes, and home installation doesn’t have to be scary or complicated, and it certainly doesn’t need to be expensive either.

We also are on hand to look after all your domestic electrical services in Colchester, and my team are fully trained to deal with any situation which may arise. Our 24 hour callout service means that you can reply on us day or night to attend to any electrical emergencies as well as day to day electrical requirements.

Lea Arnold Electrical Services are your go to electrical engineers, covering all of Colchester to serve all of your electrical needs and enhance your home with improved electrical installations. We specialise in all types of domestic, industrial and commercial installations. Using our advanced technology, we can quickly identify faults in your wiring or in electrical components. Once the fault is detected, we provide you with a competitive and guaranteed repair plan. From sourcing the correct electrical parts to the actual installation, we work closely with you to ensure that every aspect meets your specifications.

What Can You Expect

Searching for Residential Electricians in Colchester?

We are trusted and professional experts in carrying out all residential electrical work in Colchester, which can range from small jobs such as fitting lights and extra sockets, to complete house rewires, new build projects, home automation and alarm systems and EV vehicle charging installation.

The materials we use are of the highest quality as we hand pick them using only the most reputable suppliers in and around the industry. These small touches mean a far superior finish that can stand the test of time.

All of the services we offer can cover residential buildings. Our experienced electricians can also carry out electrical installation condition reports and portable appliance tests.

Our fully trained workmen will take care of the simple tasks, such as changing light bulbs, to more detailed electrical work. If you require a handyman to hide cables, our trustworthy team can also give you an extra pair of hands with those loose cables, by using trunking or even chasing them in the wall.

No job is too big or too small and we pride ourselves on our well earned reputation for being punctual, reliable and always delivering a professional and polished service.

Call Us Today

We are here for all things Electrical !

CALL NOW: 07827 810968
CALL NOW: 07500 872342